Red leaf season in the ancient capital of Kyoto - Attractive Destination

By Sơn Pu Nội Thất  |  10:42 AM

Away from the rush , hurry , scurrying in Tokyo , Kyoto rhythm hidden behind hills covered with trees, flowers, hidden under the houses built in the ancient style , much like the slow , gentle , fresh , have similarities with poetic beauty as the Perfume River Hue of Vietnam .

japan travel, asia destinations, red leaf season

Kyoto is one of seven major cities in Japan , with a population of about 1.5 million people . The city was formerly the capital of Japan , this is the provincial capital of Kyoto Prefecture , and is a major part of the Kansai metropolitan area . This is the place to preserve the value of traditional Japanese culture .

It is still known today Kyoto is the embodiment of ancient Japanese legend . More than half of temples and shrines of ancient palatial castle in Japan are concentrated in Kyoto , including 14 temples in the World Heritage list of UNESCO , and more than 1,700 treasures and cultural assets national importance have been approved by the Japanese government .

One of the most famous works in Kyoto ( which is also probably the most famous Japanese ) Kiyomizu - temple is beautiful temple has been included in the list of nominees for the 7 natural wonders of the world .

The name of this temple is that pure water ( Kiyo - bar , Mizu - hydro ) . The pagoda was built in 778 , is the oldest building in the ancient architecture in Kyoto , located on the hills Otawa .

Temple 3 famous clear water flowing out from the cliff , symbolizing the three greatest desire of man is love , health and money . Who here are also lined pure rice bran drip from the cliffs to drain a sip luck .

The temple has been the main space is completely wooden building with large pillars 139 . By the fall, Kiyomizu don the robes woven with thousands of red maple leaves as Penglai first sight .

In addition, there Kyoto Kinkaku - ji ( Kim The self ) ie Golden Temple . Who has not come to Kyoto which is considered not to Kyoto . This temple was built in 1397 , initially only the roof of the second floor and the third floor is Kinkaku - ji Golden Pavilion .

At the end of the 19th century , the temple has undergone a major restoration , and then the entire surface and the outer surface of this massive block architecture ( including 3 floors ) were covered in gold , bring beauty where there is no Kinkaku - ji is given , especially in the autumn sunny day , one can admire the sparkle and precious , turn this place into one of the scenic most attractive Master Tang .

Through artifacts , scientists have confirmed the human settlements in the Kyoto area from 10,000 BC . However, evidence of man's activities before the 6th century no more . In the 8th century to avoid the influence of the Buddhist clergy interjected the country , chose Emperor moved the capital from Nara to Kyoto area today to create distance from the center of contemporary Buddhism .

New city , now called Heianky , became the capital of Japan in 794 . After that , the city was renamed Kyoto . Kyoto is to keep the status of Japan's capital until the 19th century when the court moved to Edo ( Tokyo ) in 1868 at Meiji dynasty . So far, many Japanese still believe that Kyoto was the capital of Japan official .

The final phase of World War II , the United States has considered the possibility atomic bombing of Kyoto but ultimately chose Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it destroys not " the beauty of the city " is.

Kyoto is the city 's only major Japanese buildings still time before the Second World War as traditional Machiya town hall . Kyoto is the place famously hosted an international conference to respond to global climate change and the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 with the goal to cut emissions causing the greenhouse effect .

Ancient Kyoto attractive by definition along with the ancient temple architecture characterized Japan , the coffee bar and modern seems to bring a new breath into the definition phase this quiet place .

japan travel, asia destinations, red leaf season

Despite the industrialization and modernization of the ancient capital Kyoto but still preserve and promote traditional cultural values ​​brought from insoluble aggregates of Japan .

As honored guests , we were colleagues Kyodo News receptions introducing the culinary culture of the customary traditional Japanese Maiko , geiko singing, dancing , piano , Ochaya entertainers in bars in the area hanamachi city called Kyoto .

Kyoto has 5 zones such hanamachi , which must include the most famous Gion district about 100 Ochaya regular activities . The Maiko , pouring new wine geiko knees , enthusiastically serving our festive meal at a restaurant two wooden floors have introduced more than a hundred years ago .

japan travel, asia destinations, red leaf season

The Maiko , geiko kimono wearing splendid colors , bold makeup style traditional , speak fluent English , invited pours knees , dedicated customer service throughout the meal every few hours.

japan travel, asia destinations, red leaf season

There are differences in dress , hairstyle Maiko and geiko , but the most obvious is the Kimono Maiko usually wear colorful , long arms , and the hairstyle depends on each stage in the career of Maiko , is bent of her real hair and brooch decorated with flowers , brightly than geiko .

After determination requires hard work , the 20 -year-old Maiko will have to decide your way forward . Continue become geiko , then she has not been allowed to marry and to continue work on guitar , sings and dances its longtime mentor novice class .

Before officially become geiko few days , Maiko will have holiday hairstyle changes . Become a geiko , the bun in her hair would not really have the team that his wig was called katsura tufts available .

To cut the long hair and had to stick with her ​​for many years as well as regret for not less that the Maiko in early adult geiko . Costumes and makeup , the geiko is somewhat deeper , not brilliant as Maiko .

Before closing reception a hit senior Maiko shamisen , a characteristic of Kyoto as elastic Vietnam's Tay people to Maiko , young geiko performing five dances of Japan at the kitchen table attachment leave you with a message promised to meet again .

Want to be a party to such registration at least 20 days ; extremely high prices . Although expensive prices but in 2009 , Kyoto still attracts more than 5 million tourists , of which more than two thirds are foreign tourists . It is also probably the charisma , the secret of success of the ancient capital of Kyoto .

Author: Sơn Pu Nội Thất

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